
Siemens step 7 query
Siemens step 7 query

siemens step 7 query

I suppose making software "difficult" (something I struggle to do), non maintiainable and verbose would keep me in a job. Strangly they want simple software, which they can validate, they can trust, that they can understand and modify themselves (or ask supplied to enhance in furture at minimum cost). Clearly you have not dealt with customers I have had to. Perhaps getting rid of symbolic names may help alsoĦ) "Hey, if it was too easy, the customers would start doing it themselves, right?". Great fun for a variable length machine with variable product paths and product parts. A basic concept that a solution must exist.ĥ) Yes, I am shocked that in 2011 a statement such as "A" is not permitted and it has to be "A". Into the right direction with array shifting for product tracking. WOuld have saved a lot of time.Ĥ) This thread was started in hope that someone could point me At least "L D" reconised reconised my frustration.ġ) if YOU did YOUR research properly you will have noticed I was a "newbie" to AoI within RsLogix and wanted some guidance.Ģ) if YOU did YOUR research properly you will have noticed I did say this was all part of the learning curve.ģ) if YOU did YOUR reseach properly you would have pointed me to the article that explained how I could do I don't know why I have to justify myself to anyone, but I will. Hey, if it was too easy, the customers would start doing it themselves, right? This lack of transportability of code/knowledge/methods between systems is infuriating at times, but keeps us all in a job at others.

siemens step 7 query

This can even happen within the same manufacturer's range. That's like blaming apples for not being oranges.Īnd as for the 30 year experience, I notice you started a Rockwell thread in Dec 2010 (9 months ago) in which you described yourself as a newbie?Īre you actually relatively new to PLCs themselves, having used other control methods and programming systems in the past? If so, welcome to the crazy world of PLCs!! No two are ever going to offer the same features/facilities/techniques and often you can't extrapolate experience from one system to another.

siemens step 7 query

The original post seemed more concerned with complaining that Siemens wasn't Rockwell. Yet there's no evidence that you've searched or done prep work. There must be several examples elsewhere in this forum of shift registers, arrays, symbolic addressing, etc in S7. I don't understand the background to this entire thread.

Siemens step 7 query